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Working Group 7: Contaminants of emerging concern in soil and the terrestrial environment

Start date: January 2021

Co-Leading Team: 


 OVAM - Public Waste Agency in the region of Flanders (Belgium)

 UBA - Federal Environmental Agency (Germany)



The terrestrial environment deserves greater attention in the overall assessment of CECs and chemical risks. It is acknowledged that significant knowledge gaps exist about the occurrence levels, bioaccumulation and risks of CECs in terrestrial ecosystems. Further to the conclusions of the GA meeting 2019, where the topic of CECs in the terrestrial environment – research & monitoring activities in support of EU policies and soil-related SDGs – was proposed for discussion, it was decided that an action at the level of the NORMAN community would be justified to address more systematically existing knowledge gaps in the terrestrial environment. 


Contact: Laetitia SixAnnegret Biegel-Engler


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