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NonTarget2016 conference: Non-target screening of organic chemicals for a comprehensive environmental risk assessment
NonTarget 2016 will address state-of-the-art non-target screening approaches, including analytical technologies for detecting organic contaminants, application to real-world studies, and implementation in risk assessment. The conference with about 100 participants will be a forum to bring together leading scientists from allied disciplines (chemistry, informatics, toxicology) along with stakeholders from industry and regulatory bodies to stimulate scientific exchange, identify future research needs and foster practical application of non-target screening.
The program will feature a mixed format, with keynote lectures from leaders in the field along with shorter oral and poster presentations from conference participants with special consideration for young researchers. Workshops and working groups will be organized to stimulate intense discussions on the applicability of practical informatics tools as well as to trigger exchange of new and emerging strategies for unknown compound identification that could be continued after the conference.
Topic 1: Frontiers in non-target screening: instrumentation, data evaluation, application to micropollutant monitoring in the aquatic environment
Topic 2: Identification of contaminant transformation products and metabolites formed in biological and technical systems
Topic 3: Tools to prioritize identification: statistics, exposure modeling, toxicity
Workshops on:
A. Unknowns contaminant identification from mass spectrometry data
B. Prioritization strategies
C. Exchange of data on suspects & unknowns
Deadline for abstract submission: 8 February 2016
Deadline for registration: 29 April 2016
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