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Green Week - “The Water Challenge – Every Drop Counts”
Green Week Conference 2012: EVERY DROP COUNTS - The Water Challenge
The 12th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, took place from 22 to 25 May 2012 in Brussels. This year's theme was "Water".
Over some 40 sessions, the conference focused on water. This valuable resource needs to be used properly and sparingly, making sure that we have enough for all of its uses, and avoiding polluting our rivers, seas and oceans. Along with all other natural resources, this is one of the most vital for our continued existence on this planet. Green Week offered a unique opportunity for debate and exchanges of experience and best practice.
Over the past decade, the conference has established itself as an unmissable event for anyone involved with protecting the environment. The 2011 edition attracted some 3 160 participants from government, business and industry, non-governmental organisations, academia and the media.
NORMAN network has been part of the presentation by Georg Hanke: Emerging pollutants in water Screening European waters to anticipate priorities.