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Workshop on occurrence, fate and ffects of emerging pollutants
Workshop on occurrence, fate and effects of emerging pollutants in the environment - chemical analysis and toxicological assessment
Amsterdam, 29 - 30 November 2012
This workshop was organised by IVM – Institute for Environmental Studies VU University, The Netherlands as part of the Joint Programme of Activities of the NORMAN network.
The workshop was addressed to research scientists as well as policy makers with the aim of providing an overview of the critical issues related to emerging pollutants, such as occurrence and fate of new compound classes, including metabolites and stable transformation products and the development and implementation of non-target analysis techniques for monitoring and identification purposes. In complement with that, the development of novel, high throughput biological tools for effect assessment of contaminants in complex mixtures and their use in Effect-Directed Analysis was also highlighted.
The interest in both chemical analysis and biological tools was reflected by a large audience with more than 120 participants from various research institutes, chemical and environmental agencies, consultancies, universities, instrument manufacturers and industry.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Introduction and welcome
Session 1. Occurrence and fate of new compound classes including metabolites and transformation products.
keynote - Expanding the knowledge of emerging contaminants in the environment: recent research by the USGS (10 306 kB)
Dana Kolpin, U.S. Geological Survey, United States -
Occurrence and fate of the main classes of emerging pollutants in the aquatic ecosystem of a highly urbanized area (11 830 kB)
Sara Castiglioni, Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Italy -
Pharmaceuticals as emerging contaminants in surface waters used for the production of drinking water (11 830 kB)
Corine Houtman, Het Waterlaboratorium, The Netherlands -
Occurrence and fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment (3 608 kB)
Lutz Ahrens, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden -
Screening for biotransformation products of pharmaceuticals in water-sediment tests (824 kB)
Zhe Li, Stockholm University, Sweden -
Occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals in the urban water cycle - acyclovir as a case study (2 597 kB)
Carsten Prasse, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany -
Input, distribution and effects of regulated and emerging organic pollutants in a shallow mediterranean coastal lagoon using stir bar sorptive extraction, passive sampling and bioanalysis (3 037 kB)
Concepcion Martínez-Gómez, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Spain -
Evaluation of the efficiency of wastewater advanced treatments and sludge treatments through chemical analysis of 168 selected compounds and non-target analysis (703 kB)
Marion-Justine Capdeville, Irstea, France
Session 2. Non-target analysis and identification strategies.
Chair: Carsten Prasse, BfG
keynote - Strategies for investigation of metabolites of emerging contaminants in water by LC-QTOF-MS (1 786 kB)
Félix Hernández, University Jaume I, Spain -
Strategies for investigation of metabolites of emerging contaminants in water by LC-QTOF-MS (567 kB)
Lauriane Barritaud, Veolia, France -
Recalibration and annotation of high accuracy MS/MS: implications for non-target screening (728 kB)
Emma Schymanski, EAWAG, Switzerland -
A new scientific software approach for routine accurate mass screening (10 523 kB)
Gerard Bondoux, Waters, France -
Multitarget screening and risk assessment of emerging pollutants in German rivers
Tobias Schulze, UFZ, Germany - Wrap up
Friday, 30 November 2012
Session 3. Biological tools for effect assessment.
Chair: Juliette Legler , IVM
keynote - Environmental genomics: complex methods to understand complex responses in complex systems (26 045 kB)
Anders Goksøyr, University of Bergen, Norway -
Endocrine disruption of real life mixtures of POPs in experimental models and wild fish (13 kB)
Vidar Berg, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Norway -
Zebrafish as a tool to study mechanisms of developmental toxicity of environmental chemicals (1 708 kB)
Jessica Legradi, VU-IVM, The Netherlands -
Assessing toxic potential of pollutants in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from lakes in Tanzania (5 599 kB)
Mette Bjørge, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Norway -
Smart monitoring of the water cycle (4 517 kB)
Ron van der Oost, Waternet Institute for the Urban Water Cycle, The Netherlands -
Sample preparation for integrated chemical analysis and bioassay application in water quality assessment
Annemieke Kolkman, KWR Water, The Netherlands
Session 4. Effect-Directed Analysis – state of the art, trouble shooting and success stories.
Chair: Corine Houtman, HWL
keynote - Are we living in a world contaminated with anti-androgenic chemicals?
Elizabeth Hill, University of Sussex, United Kingdom -
Characterization of AhR agonist compounds in roadside snow (2 301 kB)
Martine Muusse, NIVA, Norway -
Identification of contaminants in marine waters using high resolution fractionation combined with high resolution mass spectrometry
Petra Booy, VU-IVM, The Netherlands -
Identification of synthetic steroid compounds downstream of a pharmaceutical industry using effect directed analysis
Nicolas Creusot , INERIS, France -
Identification of thyroid hormone-disrupting compounds in polar bear plasma by effect-directed analysis (EDA) (1 758 kB)
Eszter Simon, BioDetection Systems, The Netherlands - Wrap up