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Workshop on occurrence, fate and ffects of emerging pollutants

Workshop on occurrence, fate and effects of emerging pollutants in the environment - chemical analysis and toxicological assessment
Amsterdam, 29 - 30 November 2012

This workshop was organised by IVM – Institute for Environmental Studies VU University, The Netherlands as part of the Joint Programme of Activities of the NORMAN network.

The workshop was addressed to research scientists as well as policy makers with the aim of providing an overview of the critical issues related to emerging pollutants, such as occurrence and fate of new compound classes, including metabolites and stable transformation products and the development and implementation of non-target analysis techniques for monitoring and identification purposes. In complement with that, the development of novel, high throughput biological tools for effect assessment of contaminants in complex mixtures and their use in Effect-Directed Analysis was also highlighted.
The interest in both chemical analysis and biological tools was reflected by a large audience with more than 120 participants from various research institutes, chemical and environmental agencies, consultancies, universities, instrument manufacturers and industry.

Workshop programme


Thursday, 29 November 2012


Introduction and welcome

Session 1. Occurrence and fate of new compound classes including metabolites and transformation products.


Session 2. Non-target analysis and identification strategies.

Chair: Carsten Prasse, BfG

Session 3. Biological tools for effect assessment.

Chair: Juliette Legler , IVM

Session 4. Effect-Directed Analysis – state of the art, trouble shooting and success stories.

Chair: Corine Houtman, HWL


Thursday, 29 November 2012 to Friday, 30 November 2012