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NORMAN Network
The NORMAN network started its activities in September 2005 with the financial support of the European Commission (NORMAN project - 6th Framework Programme – Priority 6.3 - Contract N° 018486). In 2009, the NORMAN network became a permanent self-sustaining network of reference laboratories, research centres and related organisations for the monitoring and biomonitoring of emerging environmental substances. It is established as a non-profit association of all interested stakeholders dealing with emerging substances. NORMAN has adopted its Statutes and Internal Regulations under the French law of 1901 on non-profit organisations.
The mission of the NORMAN network is to:
- Enhance the exchange of information and collection of data on emerging environmental substances;
- Encourage the validation and harmonisation of common measurement methods and monitoring tools so that the demands of risk assessors can be better met;
- Ensure that knowledge of emerging pollutants is maintained and developed by stimulating coordinated, interdisciplinary projects on problem-oriented research and knowledge transfer to address identified needs;
NORMAN organises a range of activities, including expert group meetings, workshops, databases and methods validation exercises, all of which are included in its Annual Joint Programme of Activities.
The Annual Joint Programme of Activities is drawn up by the Steering Committee in consultation with the members of the Association (General Assembly) who are invited to present their proposals and comments, in accordance with the procedure defined in the Statutes.
The members of the Steering Committee:
Valeria Dulio, INERIS, France
Celia Martins Bento, WUR, The Netherlands
Juliane Hollender, EAWAG, Switzerland
Jaroslav Slobodnik, EI / WRI, Slovakia
Gunnar Thorsen, IVL, Sweden
Bert van Bavel, NIVA, Norway
Pawel Rostkowski, NILU, Norway
Jan Koschorreck, UBA, Germany
Werner Brack, UFZ, Germany
NORMAN Chairman:
Jaroslav Slobodnik
Environmental Institute, Kos, Slovakia
NORMAN Treasurer:
Gunnar Thorsen
IVL, Stockholm, Sweden
NORMAN Executive Secretary:
Valeria DULIO
INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France
The Executive Secretary, the Treasurer and the Chairman of the Association are elected by the Steering Committee with a mandate of three years (renewable).
NORMAN Association (N° W604002510) - Network of reference laboratories, research centres and related organisations for monitoring of emerging environmental substances